become a member

Become a member and join our aviation community. Our membership is made up of a variety of aviation enthusists and professionals, ranging from airline pilots with hundreds of hours of experience, to private pilots logging their first few hours after training. 

Our mission is to promote general aviation and give pilots of any level the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful and unique experience to flying. ​ We seek prospective members who want to be active and engaged in the social aspects of the club, who take safety seriously, and who value the opportunity to care for our airplanes as if you personally owned them.

If you are looking to continue your aviation development with an advanced rating such as an instrument rating or a commercial certificate, PBFC provides access to qualified flight instructors along with reliable VFR and IFR certified aircraft.

The Pompano Beach Flying Club is not a commercial operation or a flight School. The instructors who teach with us are independent contractors.

Membership monthly fee: $195.00 

Aircraft hourly usage rate:
Piper Cherokee PA-28 140 (8633E)          : $85.00/hr Dry rate (VFR/IFR)
Piper Warrior PA-28 161 (N7696F)          : $85.00/hr Dry Rate (VFR) 
Piper Archer PA-28 181 (N30877)            : $100.00/hr Dry Rate (VFR/IFR)
Piper Archer PA-28 181 (N47LH)             : $100.00/hr Dry Rate (VFR/IFR)
Piper Cherokee 6 PA32-300 (N2921S)    : $150.00/hr Dry Rate (VFR/IFR)

*Rates current as of 6/1/2023

The Pompano Flying Club is currently at our membership limit. Click the "contact us" button to inquire about our waiting list



PBFC Bylaws PBFC Operational Rules PBFC Membership Application